
发布时间:2020-10-29 15:39:55  |  来源:中国网  |  作者:   |  责任编辑:张钰



邮箱:notice@scio.gov.cn   传真/电话:65592311











the central committee of the cpc

welcomes your attendance to the press conference

at 10:00 am, october 30, 2020 (friday)

issues on

the fifth plenary session of the 19th cpc central committee

will be introduced by

mr. wang xiaohui, vice minister in charge of routine work of the publicity department of

the cpc central committee

mr. jiang jinquan, director of the policy research office of the cpc central committee

mr. han wenxiu, deputy director in charge of routine work of

the office of central commission for financial and economic affairs

mr. ning jizhe, member of the cpc leading group and

vice chairman of the national development and reform commission,

secretary of the cpc leading group and commissioner of the national bureau of statistics

mr. wang zhigang, secretary of the cpc leading group and minister,

ministry of science and technology

the press conference will be chaired by

mr. xu lin, vice minister of the publicity department of the cpc central committee and minister of the state council information office


simultaneous english interpretation will be provided.

please confirm your participation before 6:00 pm on october 29, 2020.



press   conference hall of

publicity   department of the cpc central committee

state   council information office

no.   11, west chang’an avenue, xicheng district, beijing

e-mail notice@scio.gov.cn

contact: 65592311 (tel & fax )
